Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Blog #17- Sedalia-WBCCI Rally-July 11, 2012

  This Blog will introduce you to the Wally Byam Caravan Club
International-better known as WBCCI. Wally Byam believed in towing our trailers and traveling "caravan style" to all parts of the USA and across the oceans as well. His caravans consisted of many different
travel trailer and RV brands, but today, membership is limited only to those owning Airstream trailers and RVs.
   Once a year, over the July 4th holiday, in memory of Wally's birthday, the Airstream International Rally is held. It is usually in the mid section of the country, and of course, wherever it is held it is ALWAYS hotter than "H-----" ! Much of the time we have 3  amp  electricity, which will not run ac:-(
   The Rally consists of Opening/Closing ceremonies, workshops and classes, wonderful entertainment, meetings and much "pomp & circumstance". There is also a Hobby and Craft Show, and various contests for  Bulletin Boards, Publications, and photography. We have  an International President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, 3rd VP, Secretary, Treasurer, etc. etc. etc. There are  Region Officers as well. Note the pics of Les doing his "CB" thing with "Wally Byam Control.
  It is an enjoyable time for folks to get reacquainted with those who have gone on the same caravans, and spend some time visiting the surrounding area. And of course, our biggest pastime-EATING OUT and finding the best ICE CREAM in town!  It can also be a location from which folks can begin their caravan adventures.
   So browse through the pictures to see what we are doing, and maybe sometime down the road, we can help you begin your "Airstream Adventure"
       Keep your "shiny side" up!
      Mary Ann, Les, & Pollybird

Madam President Sue

Malcolm's outstanding bulletin board with a special members book

We came from everywhere

Mary Ann displays her work at the hobby show

He collects real fire trucks!

Margaret won a blue ribbon for her handcrafted cards

Delmarva friends at the rally

The inner sanctum of W. B. Control

Opening Ceremonies

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